Dec 14, 2008

Motivational You Tube Videos

If you haven't seen these videos on youtube, check them out: One Thumb to Rule Them All, Josh's Story & Today's Heros Rick & Dick Hoyt

Final Class Reflection

Today was a great day! All my classmates did a fabulous job sharing their case studies. It was so exciting learning about students who have directly benefited from each on of my classmates taking this course, and the many who have indirectly benefited. Baby steps such as ours collectively have a huge impact. Each one of us will continue to make a difference. It's sort of like rolling a snowball - the ball (AT Supports) gets bigger and bigger all because of a group of educators taking a course! Just imagine the difference each one of us are making, and collectively what that means to our students and this world! Thanks.

Dec 8, 2008

DOE AT Document

I have been going through the DOE AT Supporting Student Success document with a 'fine tooth comb' - I guess that's what being on an educational leave permits me to do, and all I can say is, wow! It's a fantastic document that crossed my desk in the past but too quickly was passed along. I am going to put together a powerpoint to share this information and more about AT with my colleagues, as in many cases, it passed by them too quickly as well. They are getting anxious listening to me go on so much about this world of AT and all the possibilities that are unfolding in front of me. I can't wait to share! Pam

Nov 29, 2008

Look Out - here I come!

I can't help but be surprised about all that our school board has available in terms of assistive technology. As an educational leader I am very disappointed I wasn't aware of all there is to offer. My job pulls me in what seems like a zillion different directions and I obviously missed the AT direction. As they say, you don't know what you don't know. I am very fortunate to be in this course and will make it a point to share all that I am learning with other administrators who may be in the same situation that I am. I certainly don't think I am alone. I will also make every effort to provide PD for our school staff; especially our program planning team and the people who work directly with the children who can benefit most form AT. I will also call upon our school board AT Support Staff, as they are the true experts who can help us make a significant difference. Oh, what I can do with this new found knowledge!!!

Class Reflection

Today was another full day of learning in our AT Class. We started off with a session on Clicker 5 and then went on to make an e-book and writing activity. What a fantastic piece of software!!!We also made a test in Cloze Pro - another great piece of software. Both are available via the NS Book Bureau.

Nov 15, 2008

Class Reflection #4

Today’s class involved a colossal learning curve. We started with our presentations on Kurzweil. Thanks goes out to my classmates for sharing. Its amazing how we had similar features in our presentations but how each of us brought a unique style and twist for how to use Kurzweil. I got many ideas that I’m sure will come in handy. I especially like how some of the presentations used activities drawn from other sources to compliment Kurzweil, supporting a hands on learning approach as a key factor. Learning to include video clips was thrilling – thanks Anisa, and be sure to thank your Mom too!

We also spent time examining the Writing Process, completing a task analysis and moving on to using this knowledge to create a document in Inspiration 8– now that was fun! I love this software and see great value in it for almost everyone. It is without doubt, a significant piece of software for writing. I know I’ll be using it as I further may university studies and when I return to school with staff and students. A free download is available at Check it out!

We were introduced to Draft Builder, Clicker 5, Fusion Keyboard, Writing with Symbols, e-Books, Co Writer, Dragon Naturally Speaking, Write Out Loud and were reminded of Start to Finish Books. We ended our day learning about ClozePro however my brain was dull at this point and I will require a tutorial in this area. A free trial is available at Check it out!